World Record Attempt Countdown: 00:00:00:00

🎲  🌎  ❤️  Play Bingo for a cause & set a world record!💥 Register here. 💥

The Friendliest Virtual Community
of Active Adults

Bringing fun, health, and learning through virtual and hybrid activities from leading community organizations.

Making Event & Class Management Easier

Add virtual and hybrid events to your activities calendar—without having to redo your budget


Register Today

Registration successful image

Register your community and get your own fully-functional, white-labeled virtual center.


One Platform for All

events lists image

Access programming from community centers, libraries, health systems & social services from across the country.


See Engagement Soar

video call playing video call

Watch members make friends, meet people from across the country, discover your content.


Digitized instructors

We handle the technical and administrative backend, so you can easily bring your center's activities online


Hybrid activities

A combination of in person and virtual events are the future for user expectation and accessibility


Tech support

Our tech team supports all members, staff, and instructors at every point in your journey. Less burden for your staff means a better experience for your members.


Engage sales & marketing prospects

Empower your brand with powerful, cohesive experience to be delivered across all your marketing channels and in-person activities.


Active participation

No passive viewing of recorded videos! We believe in live social interaction to ensure the highest levels of genuine engagement


Language options 

English (US), English (UK), Spanish, Korean, Mandarin.

Simple technology
for centers to connect and engage

Widest Choice of Instructor Possibilities

Our CLasses

Join Live Classes with One Click

Televeda comes with a multitude of carefully vetted instructors for fitness, gaming, art, and wellness. Your members can enjoy any of our interactive classes whenever they're live.

Video call showing a painting

Our expert art instructor, Tal Dvir.

Showing Aquarium

"Let's Talk Sharks" with the Texas State Aquarium.

MEDIA Partners

Partner with the Best Event Providers

We connect you with live, in-person instructors from the most recognized organizations in the industry that offer programs for seniors.

Your classes

Hybrid classes are the future: bring events to your members both in person and online

We offer efficient and innovative activity programming and technical support so your group can focus on creating a memorable event for your members.

surge in attendance

See a surge in attendance with enhanced reach

Supercharge your Activities Calendar!

March calendar events

Save time & resources

Our comprehensive, ready-to-select programs save you hours of planning and preparation-time every month.


Enjoy expert activity instructors

We’ve vetted over 200 activity vendors and senior care professionals from around the world.


Trackable activity metrics 

Track, analyze, and access data reports of each class, and review instructor feedback to ensure the best experience for your community.


Watch interactions soar

See increased engagement, mood scores, and happiness levels in your members as you reach seniors across the country.

Top Tier Virtual Events for Every Interest

Smithsonian logo
ASU logo
Mcdonalds Observation logo
Texas State Aquarium logo
Chandler logo
NASA logo

Connect with a Leading Network

Class Partners

Broadcast your reach with an engaged audience of active adults

Marquee Event Hosts

Host your virtual community events on our proprietary platform

Class Instructors

Bring your expertise and passion to our lively, active members

Volunteers & Internships

Join our team of talented instructors & hosts

You're not the only one who will love Televeda!

Hear from class regulars about their experience.

Diane, Member

Love the class.  Tal is a great instructor!!  Enjoy the community and the interaction we have during the class.

Billi, Daughter of Member

My Mom and I LOVE Televeda! We participated in the virtual bingo. Everyone is welcoming and friendly, a wonderful thing to look forward to each day.

Marty, Member

This instructor is great. She's such a sweet girl and has done a lot of cute, easy recipes. I love coming on just to see her smiling face!

With over 20+ hours of classes a week,
everyone can find their interests

Art & Music

Games & Events

Wellness & Movement

Weekly Expert Classes

Join the Ultimate
Bingo Event Now

Official Guinness World Records Attempt by Televeda

Join right now to set the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for most viewers of a bingo livestream on a bespoke platform.

Join Right Now